Thursday, December 28, 2006

Chinese Paladin(Eternal Love)

Hu Ge (胡歌) as Li Xiaoyao (李逍遥)
Liu Yifei (刘亦菲) as Zhao Ling'er (赵灵儿)
An Yixuan (安以轩) as Lin Yueru (林月如)
Liu Pinyan (刘品言) as A Nu (阿奴)

Brief Summary:

The game starts with Li Xiaoyao riding on a sword, chasing down some delinquent imps. The two imps take shelter in a nearby cave. Xiaoyao decides to go in and inspect. Once inside he finds that the entire cave is swarmed by imps. Xiaoyao then bravely fight his way to the top, where he confronts their queen, a vampire with a Jack-O-Lantern. A fight ensues, with Xiaoyao losing. As the demon queen was about to strike him down with her army of imps, a frying pan lands on Xiaoyao's head.

Xiaoyao then wakes up on the floor, with his aunt yelling at him for being such a slackoff. She then tells him that a trio from the Black Miao tribe has come to the inn, looking for a place to stay. Xiaoyao then happily runs out to greet the trio. The three then asked for 2 rooms and food and wine. As Xiaoyao went down to get the food he is stopped by his aunt. His aunt is once again yelling off, but not at Xiaoyao this time. A beggar is in the doorway. His aunt then told Xiaoyao to shoo him away, which does not work. The beggar said that if Xiaoyao can bring him just a gulp of beer then he would leave. Xiaoyao is then called into the kitchen.

His aunt, busy cooking, tells Xiaoyao to take the tray of food up to the tribesmen. When Xiaoyao brought the tray, however, the two tribesmen(their leader is off in another room) were furious when they found how tasteless the wine was. They then sent Xiaoyao away, saying they got their own wine. Turns out that Xiaoyao's aunt watered down the wine to save money(their inn didn't have much business). Not wanting the wine to go to waste and to get the beggar away, Xiaoyao gave the wine to the beggar. He then knew one "gulp" was different depending on who said it, as the beggar drank the entire bottle in "one gulp". Xiaoyao then started to spaz at the beggar for drinking the entire bottle. The beggar promptly told him that there was barely even a quarter cup's worth of wine in the bottle(which also promptly shut Xiaoyao up). The beggar also told Xiaoyao that he would teach him a few sword moves in exchange for the wine. He then recites a poem, then disappears.

As Xiaoyao is trying to figure out what just happen his aunt called him again. Apparently she needed shrimp for her dish and was out of stock so Xiaoyao had to go into town and get some. On the way into town Xiaoyao met up with some old friends, one of which was Won Siaohu. Siaohu then told Xiaoyao that his father, who was recently sick and on the verge of death, was completely cured by a magical pill given to him by a beautiful maiden on Xian Ling island.
When Xiaoyao got home. He found his aunt deathly sick. The local doctor was unable to do anything beyond saying "take this and we can only hope for the best". Unable to accept being alone, Xiaoyao then turned to the story told to him by Siaohu earlier. As he was about to leave, the three tribesmen(from earlier) told him that a special pill was needed to penetrate the powerful aura on the island and a special hammer was needed to destroy the stone guardians and open the way to the island. Xiaoyao then quickly thank them and took off.

When he arrived at the docks, however, he found that no one would take him as the storms out in the sea were too dangerous for ships. Taking a dangerous gamble, he hired a ship and braved a storm to reach the island. Upon arriving he found the island's fauna to be very hostle. When he chased them off he found himself at a small pool, where the only method of travel was with large waterlilies. In the pool was 11 large statues, these were the guardians. He patiently hopped from one lily to another and shattered all 11 statues, breaking the hammer in the process. Large flowers started to emerge from the water and formed a road to the island.

On the island he found a beautiful maiden....taking a bath. To get the medicine he needed Xiaoyao stole the maiden's clothes, offering to trade them for the medicine. The maiden then pointed out that she can't get the medicine without her clothes.

The Legend of Sword and Fairy, originally named Xianjian Qixia Zhuan

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